WHAT is SomaTherapy?   

The SomaTherapy program aspires to develop the most skilled practitioners, through the process of treatment of the joints, soft tissues, visceral and neurovascular systems with manual neuromuscular facilitation to enhance optimum motor control and human function. 

The SomaTherapy program is presented in 3 day workshops and consists of an introductory lecture, anatomy review and demonstration, followed by supervised hands-on practice in small groups.

If you’re a health and wellness practitioner, we encourage you to explore the opportunity to build your knowledge through the SomaTherapy program.

WHO should attend?   

Practitioners involved in a manual medicine specialty including, but not limited to: osteopaths, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists, physiotherapists, and athletic trainers.  One does not have to be one of the above named practitioners to take SomaTherapy training classes, but it is the student’s responsibility to know their scope of practice and local laws governing practice and use of these techniques.

WHY should I attend?

The description and treatment of the body’s fasciae is tremendously popular in today’s world of therapy and performance training (sport or health). 

A precise understanding of the anatomical, biochemical,  and histological constructs of the fasciae leads one to the awareness of the need for many types of treatment for the fasciae. 

In the VOYER paradigm, Osteo-articular Joint Pumping, Fascial Normalization andTransverse Tendonious & Ligamentous Stretching (TTLS)  are the three main techniques used to address the varied needs of the fasciae.

VOYER's treatment techniques target the three major parts of the fasciae: Fibers, Cells and Extra-Cellular Matrix (ECM).  A one size fits all approach to these three parts disrespects the complexity and primacy of fasciae as one of the four foundational tissue types in the body. An ill-timed or improperly chosen exercise or therapeutic intervention may not only be ineffective – it may even be harmful to the client/patient.


Level 1 Pumping

UNIT 1 - Pumping of the Lower Limbs 

UNIT 2 - Pumping of the Upper Limbs and Temporomandibular joint disorder

UNIT 3 - Pumping of the Trunk & Pelvis

Within the Pumping Series, you will learn over 50 specific manual articular pumping techniques for the joints of the foot, knee and the hip. For each part of the joint that we address, we stimulate and nourish specific structures of the joints. 

Osteo-articular Joint Pumping

Fluid, especially water, is a major element of the fasciae. The proper flow of fluid: within the fibers and ground substance, within an articulation, from one fascia to another and during acute and chronic inflammatory processes is requisite for proper physiological and biomechanical function of a specific fasciae, articulation and kinetic chain.

Joint pumping improves this fluid flow and improves function with respect to maintaining or improving the health of a specific joint, fasciae, or kinetic chain.

Therapist who learn Joint Pumping techniques begin to acquire the skills in order to increase the quality of the many fasciae in close proximity to the osteo-articular joints. They will also learn to manipulate the inflammatory process in the acute or chronic patient. 

Level 2 Fascial Normalization

UNIT 1 - Fascial Normalization of the Lower Limbs

UNIT 2 - Fascial Normalization of the Upper Limbs and Temporomandibular joint disorder

UNIT 3 - Fascial Normalization of the Trunk & Pelvis

Fascial Normalization

Water is a major element of the Extra-Cellular Matrix of the fasciae.  It is constantly being linked and unlinked to the glycosaminoglycans and the proteoglycans in the ECM. This continual process of linking and unlinking is described in the Osteopathic community as the primary respiratory mechanism (PRM).  A properly functioning PRM is one of the indicators of fascial health.

If the PRM of the fasciae is disturbed, the structural and physiological functions of the fasciae at a local or global level may be compromised leading to dysfunctions of a specific muscle or articulation or an entire kinetic chain.  

Therapists who learn Fascial Normalization techniques begin to acquire the foundational skills of treating the severely acute patient, finalizing complex soft tissue cases and restoring function to the fasciae of the viscera.  

Level 3 TTLS (Transverse Tendinous Ligamentous Stretching)

UNIT 1 - 2TLS (Transversal Tendinous and Ligamentous Stretching) of the Lower Limbs

UNIT 2 - 2TLS (Transversal Tendinous and Ligamentous Stretching) of the Upper Limbs and Temporomandibular joint disorder

UNIT 3 - 2TLS (Transversal Tendinous and Ligamentous Stretching) of the Trunk & Pelvis

Transverse Tendinouse Ligamentous Stretching

Fibers, specifically collagen, are a major element of the fasciae. In a tendon or ligament, there are a larger proportion of fibers to cells.  The fibers give these fasciae its tensile strength and determine their function.Specialized cells in ligaments and tendons have a sensory function giving valuable information the central nervous system.

The higher proportion of collagen fibers and the specialized sensory cell call for a different treatment strategy than fasciae with a lower proportion of fibers or sensory cells.

TTLS is a technique that addresses the structural needs and sensory functions of ligaments and tendons.      

Therapists who learn TTLS techniques begin to acquire the foundational skills of: treating ligaments and tendons to increase vascularization to the tissues, choose the quality of sensory input from the tendon or ligament to the central nervous system and increase the overall quality (cells, fibers, extracellular matrix) of the ligament or tendon that is chronically or acutely injured.

Level 4 Diaphragms

UNIT 1 - Thoracic Diaphragm

UNIT 2 - Cervico Thoracic Diaphragm 

UNIT 3 - Pelvic Diaphragm

UNIT 4 - Cranial Diaphragm 


In the first three years of the Fascia Fellowship, the student learns the foundational skills of Osteo-articular Joint Pumping, Fascial Normalization, and TTLS. These skills are taught in relation to the cephalo-caudal fascial chains.

In year 4, students learn to apply all three techniques to normalize the four foundational diaphragms of the body: pelvic, thoracic, cervico-thoracic and cranial.

Diaphragmology explores how the presence of these four structures manages tension and compression in the head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis leading to complete tensegritous model of the body.  

The course also explores how the proper management and functioning of these structures effects function of all of the viscera in relation to the diaphragms.  

With the completion of all four years of the fasciae fellowship, the student obtains a complete and detailed model of how to treat the orthopedic system. The student should also have gained an appreciation of how we are not just and group organ systems isolated from one another, but rather we are complex integrated beings with our health and well-being tied to the structure and function of all systems working together.